GOJI PHYTO-BREW™ is our unique tea which is made from an organic blend of goji berry, ginger juice, and Vitamin C.
This caffeine-free, low sugar beverage is brewed in small batches and is loaded with antioxidants. We use the highest quality ingredients available, including our own domestically grown Goji berries.
Nutritional Values Per 10 fl. oz. Bottle
• Only 40 calories
• 5 grams total sugars
• 35% Vitamin C
• 40% Vitamin B-12
• 290% Thiamin B-1
• 250% Riboflavin B-2
• 860% Pantothenic Acid B-5
• 0.5 Grams Total Fat
• 2 Grams of Protein
We love it because…
Some of the benefits of this alternative, delicious beverage are naturally occurring B vitamins, which provide energy without adrenal-stressing caffeine, and antioxidants that boost our body’s natural biological response to everyday environmental toxins like sunlight, chemicals, and cigarette smoke. GOJI PHYTO-BREW™ has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of 18,529 per 10 oz. bottle (tested at Brunswick Laboratories).
Calling All Beverage Manufacturers!
Our Proprietary Goji Phyto-Brew Formula Is Now Available For Licensing
Goji Phyto-Brew offers what is so needed on retail shelves today: a nutrient rich beverage that is low in sugar and calories. Most importantly, it delivers very high levels of antioxidants to enhance a performance-oriented and healthy lifestyle.
Thousands of years of tradition combined with a passion for well-being brings us Goji Phyto-Brew in its final form. Our tea supports longevity with our innovative brewing process, its organic Goji ingredients, and our dedication to sustainable agriculture practices.